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Depuis la création 18 387
1 mai 2011

Class struggle in Maghreb and Mashrek

Class struggle in Maghreb and Mashrek [1]… Class struggle worldwide… Since weeks and months a strong movement is taking place in the so-called “Arab world”, which is nothing but a part of the whole world of capital. Countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen,...
18 avril 2011

Rebels in the Maghreb… who they are? (in Arabic)

Rebels in the Maghreb… who they are? (in Arabic)
14 avril 2011

Against the dictatorship of the economy Long live the international revolt of the proletariat!

Against the dictatorship of the economy Long live the international revolt of the proletariat! What’s the difference between these revolts in the “Arab world” and the previous revolts in Latin America, in Greece or in French suburbs? Which difference...
14 avril 2011

Viva la revuelta del proletariado international!

¡CONTRA LA DICTADURA DE LA ECONOMÍA! ¡VIVA LA REVUELTA INTERNACIONAL DEL PROLETARIADO! ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las revueltas que estallan en Mundo Arabe y las revueltas anteriores en América Latina o la de Grecia o los barrios pobres de Francia?...
3 mars 2011

Solidarity with the rebels at war against the State and the power in the Maghreb and elsewhere

Solidarity with the rebels at war against the State and the power in the Maghreb and elsewhere
Since several months, the revolt has been growing and spreading from Algeria to Iraq. Thousands of rebels, young and less young, men and women shook the power while demonstrating, rioting, striking. Ben Ali and Mubarak left. May they croak! According...
3 mars 2011

Here or elsewhere: only one struggle, class struggle!

Here or elsewhere: only one struggle, class struggle!
After Ben Ali and Mubarak, who’s next? The revolutionary fire spreads all over the Arabic countries. A wave of panic sweeps through the dictators’ side, while the population steps up its courage and self-confidence, in spite of the most ferocious repression,...
22 janvier 2011

Rebels in the Maghreb… who they are?

Rebels in the Maghreb… who they are? The State and its enlightened commentators were first selling us that it was about: a little obstacle in the smooth running of business, to get round as soon as possible; an expression of brutality peculiar to countries...
21 janvier 2011

Leaflet of solidarity with the Tunisian insurgents

Leaflet of solidarity with the Tunisian insurgents Since several weeks, proletarians in the Maghreb revolt against living conditions that become intolerable and against the terror policy of the State. They take to the street, clash with cops, assault...
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